Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the National Congress of Black Women!
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the National Congress of Black Women!
Identify and conduct leadership opportunities for members who are aspiring leaders.
Encourage Black women to engage in non-partisan leadership activities within the educational, economic, social and political arenas.
Provide training and internships at the national, state and local levels to enable members and young people to gain the knowledge required to understand, operate, and participate within the educational, economic, social and political arenas.
Increase the number of Black women who participate in leadership positions in all areas of the community that impact their lives and the lives of their families.
Engage Black women in voter registration, political education, forums and seminars to better project their concerns in the public arena.
Develop and advocate public policy positions, which advance the educational, economic, social and political interests of Black women, their families and communities.
Participate in the development of policies, platforms and strategies of political parties that address the needs and aspirations of the Black community; encourage the parity appointment of Black women at all levels of the party structure.
Engage in research and fact-finding on critical issues uniquely affecting the quality of life of Black women.
Sponsor youth leadership institutes to prepare young people to practice good citizenship and to assume leadership roles in public service.
To build a network of women of color in leadership, sustainable entrepreneurship and civic engagement while increasing access to technology and building social enterprises that eliminate gender bias.